Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Mercola Video

Hello everyone!

No one puts it quite as clearly as Dr. Joe Mercola. All the numbers are correct and published in literature I have read. It's just that he puts them together in one slide show.


Each one of us has the key to health. Send your friends to our office if they are not on their journey to better health. We change lives.

Dr. Jean-Marc

Monday, December 3, 2007

Changing Lives

Changing Lives

While having lunch with my friend Mark and the conversation inevitably turned to the work Dr. Linda and I do. Mark is a regular reader of my blog (drslak.blogspot.com) and he remarked on the wonderful enhancement Dr. Linda’s new knowledge and skills are to the practice. Mark is a very keen observer and I frequently seek his insight.

After I recounted some recent “miracles”, he said that our business is really about changing lives. That was an ah-ah moment for me. Indeed, we are not about bad back and neck cricks. We’re not about PMS or enuresis, asthma or ADHD. All these are great to help but they what we do. Who we are, what we are about, is serving people, more specifically, changing people’s lives.

We change lives when we enable your body to function at its magnificent best. Lives change because pain goes away, symptoms abate and wellbeing is restored. Quality of life is more than a concept in our office; it’s the end product of our work. We change lives because it is not only the people we put our hands on who benefit but also their family members. Think about the shift in responsibilities and duties when a Mom or Dad isn’t well, then gets better. How about the quality of life of entire families when a child gets well and sleeps?

We change your life for the better, step by step, over time. In this Holiday season, do you know people whose lives could be better? Give them the gift of health, bring them to our office. We’ll change their lives.

Dr. Jean-Marc Slak


Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Biggest Health Care Fraud in History

I know I said I would only write positive articles for the rest of the year. But I never said I wouldn't post rockin' ones from other folks. Check out this link to an article by Laura Snook on MSN UK.


If you have questions about chiro care and ADHD, call Dr. Linda. 781-273-0099. Better yet, invite her to come talk to your group, she's quite the fountain of knowledge. She amazes me every day. And this is her turf. She helps these kids live better, healthier lives. Naturally!

Contact Dr. Linda directly: lindaslak@comcast.net

Enjoy the article!

Dr. Jean-Marc

Monday, November 26, 2007


Snow 101

Shoveling snow is one of New England’s facts of life. As a chiropractor, I get to not only do my share of shoveling; I also get to fix you after you shovel. In my 20 years here, I have learned the keys to successful snow management. I considered writing a book entitled “A Chiropractor’s Snow Shoveling Secrets to a Better Back” but instead, I’ll just tell you.

The first item to consider is whether someone else could do it for you. That is the ultimate back protecting strategy. (In the book, I would have saved that for the end). If that is not an option or, if you prefer shoveling, several tricks will improve your outcome. Now, when I speak about outcome, I do not refer to the quality of your shoveling achievements but to the way you feel and function the next day.

Tip #1: Your power comes from the center of your body. Strengthen your core in advance. It will increase your output, stamina and have a powerful protective effect. Then focus on your core while moving the snow.
Tip #2: Switch sides. As you move snow around, use the shovel on one side then the other. It might feel awkward in the beginning but you will be using your body more evenly and it will make you smarter. Yes, smarter. Every time you do something differently, you build new neural pathways that are linked to intelligence and memory. (This would be the book’s subtitle: Shovel Your Way to a Higher IQ). It’s called neuroplasticity.
Tip#3: Depending on how wet or dry, limit the amount you lift with each shovelful. With heavy snow, a 2 or 3 inches thick layer is as heavy as you want to lift.
Tip #4: Get adjusted regularly. I cannot overstress the immense protective power of regular adjustments.

After all this advice, if you still have pain following your snow encounter, please call and come right away. Waiting to see if it will go away just does not work. By the time you feel discomfort beyond fatigue, inflammation and joints dysfunction are present. These are components of subluxations that include nerve disruption. Short or long term problems are the inevitable consequence of subluxations. The ONLY solution is an adjustment. Maybe that book would have landed me on Oprah? It would certainly have been useful. See you soon for your next adjustment.

Dr. Jean-Marc



Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Immune Power

Adjustments Are Key to Proper Immune Function!

The nervous system controls and coordinates every function in the body. That is one of the foundation statements of the efficacy of chiropractic care. Two new articles review in extraordinary details how immune cells and functions are guided by nerves. They also demonstrate how nerve dysfunction and interference will lead to immune problems and imbalance.

Whether you are looking at an endemic inflammatory background that sets the stage for degenerative diseases (like arthritis, type 2 diabetes, cancer and heart disease) or abnormal immune responses like allergies or frequent viral infections, the nervous system is the key to proper function. As you remember, spinal subluxations disrupt nerve and energy flow. Therefore, when you are subluxated, your immune system is compromised. This means that your ability to quickly dispose of pathogens (flu, viruses and bacteria) and your ability to adapt to your environment (allergies) are diminished.

Of course, you want better than compromised immune function for you and your family! Fortunately, chiropractic adjustments are the most efficacious way to remove nerve interference. Years of experience and patient results show how powerful the effect of adjustments is on the immune system. Research has well documented this positive influence in many ways from decreased infection rates to improved thion levels and even amelioration of CD4 cell levels in AIDS patients. So give yourself and your family the gift of a powerful immune system by making sure that you are free of spinal subluxations. See you and your family soon for your immune optimizing adjustment!

Dr. Jean-Marc

Sterberg E, Nature Reviews Immunology, April 2006.
Kin N and Sanders V, Journal of Leukocyte Biology, vol 79, June 2006



Monday, November 12, 2007

Free Military Care Program

Military Care Program

I live in a black and white world. My value system has a strong compass that sorts out right and wrong decisively and quickly. But some issues of personal ethics can be more complicated and it can be difficult to know what to do in seemingly out-of-my-control situations. Yet, I feel compelled to act.

Such a situation presented itself when our country went to war. On the one hand, I think wars are not the solution as a general rule. On the other hand, as this war unfolded, I felt a growing sense of compassion towards our brothers and sisters who are putting their lives on the line to serve our country.

These personal sacrifices our service men and women make tug at my sense of moral obligation to help those in need as well as my feelings of civic duty. So something had to be done.

In light of our strong sense that we should not rest until all we can do has been done, and done well, Dr. Linda and I have made a commitment to help our returning military personnel. We have joined a national effort, with several dozen chiropractic offices around the country, we are offering a chance to regain health and wellbeing to our returning warriors with our Military Care Program.

Think about it, wearing 50-75 pounds of equipment, jumping off trucks, witnessing the horrors of war, bearing the stress of incessant anxiety about your safety and that of your friends. All this winds up the nervous system and will lead to long term health problem that will affect the combatants the rest of their lives.

Well, that’s what chiropractic is best at! Solving these nervous system problems, releasing the body’s innate ability to express health and balance itself right. These folks need us desperately and we are stepping up to the plate to do our part in helping them recover their health.

On Veterans Day, Dr. Linda and I are proud to announce the Military Care Program at Slak Chiropractic. To fulfill our commitment to facilitating a better, healthier world, we are offering a full year of chiropractic care to our military personnel returning from Iraq or Afghanistan at no charge. See you soon for your life adjustment!

Dr. Jean-Marc


Monday, November 5, 2007

Dr. Linda's Miracles

Dr. Linda is Back!

A lot is going on at Slak Chiro. The first big news is that Dr. Linda is back on Friday mornings. If you have visited us on Tuesday, you have noticed that she is extremely busy, so she has added Friday morning back into her work schedule. Since the home front is easing up its demands on Dr. Linda, she can return to her Friday mornings in addition to her regular Tuesday hours. I am thrilled to be able to spend time together in the office.

Dr. Linda is back in more ways than one. Her pediatric training has transformed her from a great chiropractor to an extraordinary healer. I know more about chiropractic than most people on the planet, yet, I am blown away by the skill set and exceptional mastery she has gained. And most importantly, the results our patients are enjoying are world class.

We regularly review the charts of the patients we are caring for, in order to stay up-to-date with who is who and design the best care program possible. Lately, I have noticed a trend towards Dr. Linda caring for kids with all kinds of challenges. As I review the weekly progress, I am so moved that I found myself crying with joy and pride. Dr. Linda is changing the world one kid at a time.

From bed wetting to ear infections to constipation to autism; when the body’s innate ability to heal and function at its normal level is released by chiro adjustments, amazing things happen. I can’t wait to see you and your kids for your full function life adjustment!

Dr. Jean-Marc


Monday, October 29, 2007

Research Leaps Forward 20 years

Dr. Slak Recognized as Research Pioneer!

I am tickled pink! Not only are the Red Sox World Series Champions, the Patriots undefeated and BC #2 in the country (OK, that’s all the sport news you’ll get out of me) but I also got what amounts to the biggest compliment of my career.

As most of you know, I have been working on designing, organizing and running a study on the effect of chiropractic adjustments on asthma at Harvard Med School. It has been a long and tortuous road that has tested my persistency many times. Finding money to finance the study was somewhat easier than expected and I am very grateful to Life University for stepping up to the plate.

The most frustrating hurdle I ran into is the lack of people in the chiropractic profession who have the skills required to write the necessary paperwork. I met with several doctors over the last two years who were enthusiastic about my project, wanted a piece of it, but eventually fell through when it came time to do the work. Last week, I brought out the big guns. I invited Dr. Joel Alcantara, Director of Research for the ICPA (www.icpa.org) to work with me.

The ICPA is one of the largest chiropractic organizations in the world and a leader in chiropractic research. Dr. Alcantara flew in from his home base in the San Francisco area to meet with my research partners at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. There, he was briefed on the revolutionary technology we plan to utilize and the details of the study design.
As we walked out of that meeting, he looked at me and said: “Dr. Slak, do you realize what your study means?” I replied hesitantly: “We’ll be able to reach and help more people?” (Is this a test?). Dr. Alcantara exclaimed: “This study leapfrogs any chiropractic research ever done by 20 years!” This, my friends, is a proud moment. Being recognized professionally in such a manner is truly extraordinary and I am very grateful to Dr. Alcantara for giving me such an accolade.

Jean-Marc Slak, DC


Monday, October 22, 2007

We are one interconnected whole


Two diverse schools of thoughts and disciplines; contemporary physics and holistic chiropractic health care. The more I read about general relativity and quantum mechanics, the more striking it becomes that everything is interdependent and connected. This interconnection of everything when applied to our body, our cells and the integration provided by the nervous system are an interesting parallel to the one universal view that Einstein brought us.

Einstein’s fantastic insight was that the whole universe is connected, it is “related”. He discovered that time, space, energy and matter are all tied intimately together. This looks to me like a cosmologic version of what I profess daily regarding your body’s oneness. The same rational predicates the necessity for a comprehensive approach to health and wellness, including chiropractic adjustment to organize the process optimally, nutrition, exercise, rest and mental attitude.

As I read about the quantum uncertainty principle, I realize the similarity to what we witness in our body as we heal, age or youth. But I still don’t quite understand enough about quarks and strings to do much more than admire the poetic beauty of the idea that if I change the words of science into the words of love and life, it works perfectly well.

And this is the key insight: modern science has not only met, but far exceeds the medical application of these principles to our health. Chiropractic is the future of health care because it works at that wholeness, interconnection level. Being adjusted puts your body in harmony not only with itself, but also with the world around you and Einstein told us that it is the whole universe. Take thoughtful care of your body, your world definitely depends on it. See you this week for your life tuning and harmonizing adjustment!

Dr. Jean-Marc


Monday, October 15, 2007

Chiropractic's Protective Effect


Saturday night, Linda and I were attending a chiropractic meeting (I know, we need to get a life). I was the MC for the evening and I had the pleasure of introducing our main speaker, Dr. John Madeira. He took us through some interesting information and then he asked a life changing question.

He polled the audience and selected the 5 chiros who had been in practice the longest. They all had over 25 years of active patient care. Although Dr. Madeira did not know it, he picked five people with large busy practices. What he asked these five chiropractic veterans was; “out of your regular patients, those who get adjusted weekly or at least twice a month, how many, in 25 years, have died of heart attack?” As you know, heart disease is America’s #1 killer, responsible for almost 900,000 deaths per year. In 25 years and tens of thousands of patients, these 5 chiros had a grand total of 10 patients who died of heart attacks.

Dr. Madeira then asked how many of these same patients, who are very faithful and assiduous with their adjustments, died of cancer. The answer was a grand total of 17 for these five chiros. Linda and I did a quick mental recall of our experience and our numbers were also unbelievably low.

Consistent, long term chiropractic care has an amazing protective effect on human health. From an intellectual stand point, I have always known that when your spine is adjusted, your nervous system works more efficiently, therefore leading to better health and well being. But looking at these numbers in terms of lives saved, in the way Dr. Madeira illustrated, reset my focus on how truly essential regular, life long chiropractic care is for everyone. See you this week for you life saving, protective adjustment. And please, don’t leave your family behind!

Data form www.americanheart.org

Dr. Jean-Marc

Monday, October 1, 2007

Slak Chiropractic Group

Nutrition for Your Life

Nutrition for Life, the course, is coming to Middlesex Community College! Many of you remember the in-house nutrition workshops I gave for several years. It started as a one hour quick hit on the salient topics that most people simply never heard about that are key for survival in today’s world.

It soon turned into a two and a half hour mammoth talk because the problem with the “Standard American Diet” being dangerous to your health needed an alternative solution. And it needed it urgently. I filled in the gaps, made charts, created hand-outs, answered questions and advocated Omega 3 supplementation. In the last couple of in-house nutrition workshops, I asked wellness coach Joan Turnberg to come give me a hand. She graciously brought in a more practical side to the data-heavy sessions my left brain created.

After the last 2 workshops, it became evident that the demand for this info is bigger than I can give in-house and that I needed an expanded format. So I approached MCC with an outline for a course spread over 3 nights. As luck would have it, they were interested in starting a selection of wellness courses.

The greatly enhanced, presented jointly with Joan, new Nutrition Workshop will start Tuesday, October 2, 2007. It will run for 3 consecutive weeks on Tuesdays from 7 until 9 PM at the Bedford campus of Middlesex Community College. I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I am about it. The material and presentation, the lecture and workshop aspects of this course will transform your life. If you wonder if what you eat is good for you; or if you suspect it isn’t but you just don’t know what else to do, this course is for you. It will improve your health and well being and it can make your quality of life expectancy much longer.

To register for the course, call MCC at 781-280-3669 and speak with Marci Barnes. Call today before the course is full.

Dr. Jean-Marc and Dr. Linda can be reached at 781-273-0099 and jmslakdc@gmail.com

Youthing Faster

Slak Chiropractic Group

Youthing Faster

Yes, I’m on a youthing kick. As you know, chiropractic adjustments make it possible for your body to self regulate optimally. We saw how that is done in the 2005 study that demonstrated the presence of increased thiols level in chiropractic patients. That means their DNA repair ability is greater than non-chiro patients. That’s one of the reasons why I would not want to miss my regular adjustment, ever. Plus, it feels good.

Another habit that will accelerate youthing involves taking omega 3 (fish oil) daily. I just read an article that summarizes some of these youthing effects. “N-3 (omega 3) fatty acids are essential for normal growth… and are beneficial in the management of hypertension, diabetes, arthritis and other autoimmune disorders, and cancer”. The authors further establish that the effects of omega-3 and exercise are similar. Specifically, the effects are “opposite of those of aging”. That’s why I call it youthing.

The recommended maintenance dose in this article is 1 to 2 g per day and the ratio of EPA to DHA is key to it’s effectiveness. It should be 2 to 1. So let’s recap youthing 101: get adjusted, take fish oil, exercise, meditate/pray, rest/recover and I count on seeing you in the office this week for your youthing adjustment and at Middlesex Community College for the nutrition course.

Artemis P. Simopoulos, MD. Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Athletics. Current Sport Medicine Reports. July 2007, 6:230-236
Surrogate Indication of DNA Repair in Serum After Long Term Chiropractic Intervention – A Retrospective Study –JVSR. Clayton J. Campbell, Christopher Kent, Arthur Banne, Amir Amiri, and Ronald W. Pero [February 18, 2005, pp 1-5]

Dr. Jean-Marc and Dr. Linda can be reached at 781-273-0099 and drslak@aol.com

Friday, September 28, 2007


Slak Chiropractic Group


Words are important. So when I ran across a new one that someone made-up but that I liked, I grabbed it. That new word is YOUTHING. That’s right, the reverse of aging. It describes perfectly what can and often does happen when you are under our care. The first time this idea crystallized in my mind was about 10 years ago when my patient George said: “Since getting adjusted, I feel better in my sixties than I did in my forties”.

Youthing is the process of rejuvenation and revivification that naturally follows certain actions. These steps must be taken in a specific order to be effective. First, you must be adjusted. A specific level of chiropractic improvement must have taken place before you can start getting younger. Landmarks of neurological functions must be achieved. That’s why it’s important to get scanned regularly to make sure that you are in the youthing zone.

Then comes movement. Yes, life is motion and the more you move your entire body the younger you get. But if your neurostructural integrity is compromised (subluxations), you can exercise all you want; you’ll still be getting old too fast. So, chiro care first, exercise second. Third are nutrients and toxins. Although a well adjusted and exercise body is better able to detoxify itself, you still need to eliminate the poisons that come in our food (it is still time to register for my Nutrition course at Middlesex). And rebuilding nutrients must be brought in.

Once you are on your way to the youthing process, it is easy to maintain and enhance even further. So let’s start today with you next youthing adjustment and if you know anyone who could use some youthing, please share this message of hope, healing and rejuvenation.

Dr. Jean-Marc and Dr. Linda can be reached at 781-273-0099 and drslak@aol.com