Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Near Perfect Minute #28

Happy New Year!

Set you browser on THIS BLOG for the coming weeks, because I will start the year strong with the best eating advice anywhere!

Enjoy the festivities!

Dr. Jean-Marc

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Near Perfect Minute #26

Inflammation is at the root of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, asthma, arthritis, Alzheimer's, auto immune diseases and more.  Today, I start a series of Near Perfect Minutes that will explore where inflammation comes from and what you can do about it.

First, and because I do not want to talk about food at this time of year, it is important to realize that subluxations of the spine both create inflammation and, this is crucial, choke your body's ability to respond properly.  So first step, most important and fundamental:  get adjusted regularly!

Dr. Jean-Marc

Click on the video to watch.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Near Perfect Minute #25

That's a lot of testimonials on that wall behind me!  Thank you!

Today's NP Minute is a quick exercise demo to help you relax during this hectic time of year.  Enjoy!

Dr. Jean-Marc

Friday, December 3, 2010

Near Perfect Minute #24

The frenzied Holiday season is here.  This is a key time to maintain optimal nervous system function and a primed immune system.  To do that, get adjusted, avoid sugar and remember, it's all for fun and celebration!

Near Perfect Minute is 2:10 long.

Don't forget our Holiday Raffle!  Lots of cool prizes!

Dr. Jean-Marc

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Near Perfect Minute #23

Happy Thanksgiving!

An attitude of gratitude goes a long way towards preventing subluxations and promoting happiness!

Thank you to all our patients who donated food for the Bedford Food Pantry!

See you next week!

Video is 1minute 12 seconds short.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Near Perfect Minute #22

How long should a cold last?  No time!  That's how long.  I've been burning the candle at both ends and I just had one that lasted 11 hours.  The time it takes your body to overcome a cold is a good gauge of your general health status.  The longer it takes, the lower your resources.

In the video below, I described what I did in response to a cold.  First, remember that what I did for years before that has everything to do with my recovery rate.
The supplements I took were Total Virx (available at the office) and PineGold (I can order it for you if you can't find it).  i also got adjusted and ate a light meal of mostly veggies (cauliflower).

See you soon!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Wellness Minute # 21

Hangovers are the result of chemical toxicity overloading our body's ability to function properly.
To adapt in the short term, subluxations happen.  So could adjustments help recover quicker or is it just chemical and it'll take however long it takes to feel better?  
Well, it's all in the timing.  If you are still intoxicated, your body probably needs the subluxation as an adaptive tool.
But after that, it's all improved function.  And that usually means feeling better!  Here is the story:


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Exercise. Often.

Thank God for the web!  I say that because the amount of information, articles and books establishing, detailing, formatting, cataloging, researching and expounding on the benefit and essential importance of exercise would take much more room than my house and office could hold.

I'll give you just a quick sample of why exercise MUST be part of your life on a routine basis:  exercise makes you feel good, makes you stronger, boosts your immune system, improves flexibility, improves cognitive functions, improves digestion, decrease cancer risk, good for your heart, good for you memory, reduces stress, improves sleep, improves memory, burns calories, makes you firm and attractive, improves libido, improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, improves balance...

Hey, why don't you send me what you know exercise helps YOU with!  Post a comment below.

Have a Near Perfect Day!

Dr. Jean-Marc

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Life Univeristy Event 10/28/10 at Slak Chiropractic

Life University Student Recruitment Event!

At the office on Thursday, October 28, 2010 at 7PM.  Please RSVP because food will be served!

I am really jazzed about this.  An opportunity to share and a great honor to be selected as a host office.

If you have ever considered a career in chiropractic or if you know a student who wishes to enter a growing field full of joy and rewards, please make sure they call in and sign-up!

Dr. Jean-Marc

Blood Pressure

This is a post from my friend Dr. Neil Bossenger from New Zealand.  I am reposting because it is one of the best written, informative article on the topic.  Enjoy!

Dr. Jean-Marc

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Three Main Categories Causing Subluxation

Emotional, physical and chemical.  These are the root causes of life dimming subluxations.

  • Step 1:  get adjusted to restore proper Life flow.  
  • Step 2:  do the necessary lifestyle tweaks to minimize the production of new life dimming subluxations.

Dr. Jean-Marc

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Adjustments lead to Creativity

Studies say increased creativity and decreased GERD after adjustments.  Does that mean that you dyspeptic people are not creative?  I don't know the answer to that question.  But I know ONE thing for sure: adjustments are GOOD for you!

Source info deep inside the following links.

Friday, October 8, 2010


Stress Kills.  Adjustments relieve stress.  Therefore getting adjusted saves lives.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Vitamin D3

Add vitamin D3 to your daily regimen.  5-10,000mg/day is the dose if you have adequate levels.  Much more is needed if you are deficient.  See articles below.

Dr. Jean-Marc

What We Have Learned About Vitamin D Dosing?
Integrative Medicine.  Vol. 9, no1, Feb/Mar 2010
Pizzorno J.

Randomized trial of vitamin D supplementation to prevent seasonal influenza A in schoolchildren.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
May 2010
Urashima, M,+M&andorexacttitle=and&andorexacttitleabs=and&andorexactfulltext=and&searchid=1&FIRSTINDEX=0&sortspec=relevance&firstpage=1255&fdate=4/1/2010&tdate=6/30/2010&resourcetype=HWCIT

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

No-Flu Season

The flu season hoopla is about to start.  So, let me be first!  Before Big Pharma's marketing machine reaches too many of your brain cells.

Don't get the vaccine.  Don't let your friends get the vaccine.  Don't let your kids get the vaccine.  Don't let your parents get the vaccine.  I am making myself clear?

Do get adjusted, because it makes your body respond better.  Do eat well, fruits and veggies.  Do avoid sugar and processed foods (anything you don't prepare or know who made it).  Do exercise because it improves immune function.  Do get the amount of sleep you need, make sure you put yourself first.  Do control stress because the world will not change thanks to you worrying about it.  Do your best every waking minute and discover your inner greatness.

More Health, Less Stress, More Fun

Dr. Jean-Marc

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Toxic World

Here the link to the article that got me all riled-up.—_and_largely_ignored_—_source_of_BPA

Bottom line, there is so much garbage assaulting us everyday from know and unknown sources that we have to focus on defense.  The #1 strategy  is getting adjusted regularly in order to give your body the opportunity to cleanse itself efficiently.  #2 take your omega 3's.  #3 eat antioxidants.  #4 reduce stress.  #5 eat fresh, organic fruits and veggies.  The best defense is still a good offense.  We can't control the garbage attacking us every second of every day, but we can make sure we are equipped to deal with it.

Dr. Jean-Marc

Friday, August 27, 2010

College Essentials

This is the list of College Essential supplements.  I designed it last year for Alain, and I updated it this year.  The complete natural gear to stay healthy.  Ask me for chiro referrals for your student, that is most important to maintain a properly functioning body.

See video clip and list below:

Alain’s Supplements:

  • Omega 3. Take 2 daily
  • Co-Factors. Take 1 with omega 3.
  • Vitamin D3, 2000/day
  • Complete Glutathione or NAC. Take 2 when you want to cleanse toxins, after strenuous exercise, lack of sleep. PRN.
  • OPC Pinegold. Immune booster. Take 2 when you feel that you are coming down with something. Take 2 every 1-2 hours if you are sick.
  • Arnica. Melt 2 pellets under tongue after physical trauma. Every hour for up to 24 hours.
  • Sabadil. Allergies. PRN.
  • Multi. Take 1-2 daily.
  • Total Virx.  A combination herbal high in elderberry.  Very effective when you feel like a cold or anything is coming on.  Take 2, then 1/hour until you feel back to normal.
That's it. 4 supplements daily and a couple of "just in case".

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Lead In Fruit Juice

Thanks to Marian and Denise for this article.

Water (filtered) is the way to go!  Reminds me of the related study I quoted recently that demonstrated that high fructose corn syrup contains mercury.  Junk, junk, junk, can't expect junk food to be anything but junk.  And yes, most juice is junk food.

Dr. Jean-Marc

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Organic Food

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Urinary Metabolites of Organophosphate Pesticides. Bouchard, M. et al., Pediatrics, Volume 125, Number 6, June 2010.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Swine flu pandemic was made up!

This makes me sick.  The millions who got the swine flu shot simply got swindled.  Please read this article out of the British Journal of Medicine, one of the world's most prestigious medical journal.

When do we get tired of Big Pharma killing for profit?


Monday, May 24, 2010

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Food Revolution

Check this out. Jaimie Oliver, celebrity chef, of all people. He is nailing it. I really admire that.

Check out the video from TED.

See you for your life transforming adjustment!

Dr. Jean-Marc

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Chinese Fluoride in Your Water?


It is my opinion that fluoride is a poison that has no place in our water supply. Now the issue is compounded by possibly tainted Chinese origin. China has worked long and hard to earn the reputation of using poor quality and dangerous to your health ingredients. I see no reason to believe this would be any different.

Solution: get a reverse osmosis water filtration system. I just got a new one from Costco (not made in China I hope).

Dr. Jean-Marc

Monday, March 15, 2010

Subluxations Ruin Your Body

Falling Apart Doesn't Have To Be Painful

During my weekly scientific literature review (keeping up-to-date is work) I ran across an intriguing reference to a 1980 article. I have seen this article referenced numerous times, so I decided to look it up. It was published in the prestigious Spine Journal, vol. 5, number 2 and written by “pain guru” Gunn (he literally wrote the book on the neurology of pain).

Straight to the juicy parts: Gunn describes how trauma to a healthy nerve is usually painless. But significant problems arise over time. The nerve acquires a quality called “denervation supersensitivity” that modifies the signals your body sends to the brain and scrambles the signals the brain sends to the body. Worse, the presence of pain or the intensity of pain is unrelated to the degree of damage. You could be falling into ruin without even knowing it until massive problems are present.

What it means to you: Painless spinal trauma (like a desk job, sleeping wrong...) causes nerve conduction disruption that can have devastating long-term effects on your glands and organs. Therefore, it is essential to have your spine checked by your chiropractor on a regular basis to correct the problem in order to maintain health, function and wellbeing. And if the spinal trauma actually was painful at the time, run, don’t walk to the chiropractor, because your central nervous system functions are compromised and you are starting to fall apart!

See you soon for your essential-for-a-long-healthy-life check-up.

Dr. Jean-Marc

Prespondylosis and some pain syndromes following denervation supersensitivity. CC Gunn. Spine, vol.2, number 2, March/April 1980

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Neck Misalignment Hurt Your Heart

An article published in a journal that is the sure cure to insomnia describes in detail (and I mean detail) the link and pathogenesis of heart disease from upper cervical subluxations.

They even mention specifically that this neurochemical pathway explains why studies have shown that chiropractic adjustments help lower blood pressure.

In plain English: neck subluxations alter brain function leading to heart problems; and chiropractic adjustments are a uniquely effective way to restore optimal function and health.

Chiropractic really keeps you ticking!

Dr. Jean-Marc