Friday, August 29, 2008

Healthy Foods for Kids

Back To School Foods

Every year it feels like we have to reinvent the wheel when it comes to sending food and snacks to school with the kids. For some reason, after a summer of easy schedule and everyone eating the same thing at the same time, we experience a few days of tension getting back up to speed.

This is actually a wonderful opportunity to reexamine our choices and habits. Remember the cardinal rules of nutritious food, some elements are desirable: high nutritional content, unprocessed, organic and complex carbs for example. On the other hand, many ingredients should be avoided. In particular foods must have no trans fats, no excitotoxins, no processed sugars or processed grains.

Specifically, our kids need Omega 3 supplementation and they must have none of these ingredients:

  • Hydrogenated or Partially Hydrogenated oils.
  • Natural Flavors (unless the food is certified organic)
  • High Fructose Corn Syrup
  • Artificial Sweeteners

These ingredients should be avoided or used in extremely limited amounts:

  • Safflower, corn, canola, cottonseed oils.
  • Fried foods
  • White flour (its white if it doesn’t say whole wheat in the ingredients list)

We also make our kids lunch most days. It's just easier to make good choices when all the ingredients are wholesome.

If you have any questions regarding food recommendations, please plan to attend my next Nutrition Workshop. I wish all of our students a healthy and enriching school year!

Dr. Jean-Marc

Monday, August 18, 2008

Heroes Homecoming

Here we are, Caroline, Dr. Honi Kawut and me in the middle at the Hanscom Air Force Base Heroes Homecoming Celebration!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

After your adjustment

Ten Steps to Optimize Your Adjustments

I wrote these as a handout a couple of years ago. But since it might be useful to review them occasionally, here they are, easily accessible any time you need them!

The Ten Essential Steps to Get the Most Out of Your Care

A few simple things will greatly enhance the longevity of your adjustments as well as the rate of progress and degree of correction you can achieve through chiropractic care. Here are the 10 actions you need to take to get the most out of your care.

  1. Walk for a couple of minutes after your adjustment before getting back in your car.
  2. Never wear a wallet in your back pocket.
  3. Avoid sugar. Of course, all the other Nutrition Workshop recommendations regarding artificial sweeteners, trans fats and high fructose corn syrup apply here too.
  4. Take Omega 3 supplements. they are essential to your body, particularly when healing is taking place.
  5. Minimize alcohol consumption.
  6. Smoking retards all healing and compromises health. Stop now!
  7. Give yourself enough time to rest and recover. Pay attention to this during the day as well as at night.
  8. Wear proper footwear. Please make sure you bring us all your athletic shoes for assessment. You would be amazed how poorly some of them are made.
  9. Use these shoes to exercise regularly. Movement is life, you need the exercise to regain and maintain health and wellbeing.
  10. Follow your recommended visit schedule!

Dr. Jean-Marc