Friday, December 5, 2008

Happiness is Contagious!

Happiness is contagious, come catch it at Slak Chiro!

This article just came out and essentially states that not only will you feel happier and better after seeing a happy person (like me) but the people you know will also be happier and even more wild, the people they know will feel the effect!

So if you want to really make the world a happier place, be happy! It spreads...

The author was interviewed on the radio. You'll find the link by clicking here.

Get adjusted, be happy, make the world better... Maybe it is that simple.

Dr. Jean-Marc

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Flu Vaccine

This is an interview of the manufacturer's rep.

Dr. JM

Stay away from corn and soy

The Europreans have called this one right from the start.

Stay away from soy and corn products.

Come to Nutrition Workshop for more...

Dr. Jean-Marc

High Fructose Corn Syrup Ad

Here is the anti-ad!

Cute, share it...

Dr. Jean-Marc

Monday, November 24, 2008

Dangerous Drugs

I ran across this article while waiting to get my hair cut. It lists 8 drugs MDs would not take for themselves or their own family. Better make sure you're not using them.

The list:
  • Keflex-antibiotic that kills bacteria and your liver too
  • Nexium and Prilosec-anti-heartburn drugs that cause pneumonia and heart attacks.
  • Visine-as in eyedrops Visine... causes eye redness (I am not making this up).
  • Pseudoephedrine-sinus decongestant that causes heart attacks and strokes.
  • Advair-the asthma drug has a black box warning because it can often cause worse asthma.
  • Avendia-for diabetes increases your chances of getting and dying of a heart attack.
  • Celebrex-one of the few remaining cox-2 inhibitors left on the market still causes heart attacks in addition to the stomach bleeding and liver damage.

The link:

Green Your Body

Learn how to Green Your Body at my new Youthing Workshop

On December 8, at 6:30pm, I will introduce my newest workshop. Off course, it is loaded with life changing info. I will reveal the formula to keep your brain and body young and able to fight off the constant environmental aggressions you are subjected to every day. I will explore the details of detoxifying your cells and increase mitochondrial energy production. I will review the most common sources of toxins in your life. I'll even give you a test of my energy smoothie!

All this and much, much more... Best of all, it's free!

The catch: as of today, I have only 4 chairs left unclaimed. So call now to reserve your seat!

Dr. Jean-Marc

Friday, October 10, 2008


Chiropractor of the Month! (think Oscar)

I am very pleased to announce that the Chiropractic Leadership Alliance (CLA) has chosen me as Chiropractor of the Month, August 2008 for the work I do on the State Board and the Military Care Program.
CLA is an international organization that recognizes one chiro from around the world each month. For chiropractors, this is like winning an Oscar.

As you may know, I was appointed to the Chiropractic State Board by Governor Deval Patrick in April 2008. The Board is made up of 7 volunteers, 6 of them chiropractors who issue licenses and regulate the practice of chiropractic in the State.

The Military Care Program gives access to pro-bono chiropractic care to service men and women who have been deployed since 9-11-01. I have spearheaded that program in Massachusetts and there is now over a dozen chiropractors in the state who participate.

I am very grateful for this recognition and accolade from my peers.

Dr. Jean-Marc Slak

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I am left speechless...

Friday, September 19, 2008

21st Anniversary

21 Reasons to get adjusted

  1. It feels good
  2. It's good for you
  3. Live longer
  4. Live better
  5. Sleep better
  6. wake up with more energy
  7. Do more
  8. Think better and faster
  9. Improve blood flow
  10. Have a stronger immune system
  11. Fewer allergies and colds
  12. Breathe better
  13. Get hugs
  14. Receive encouragement and support
  15. It affirms life and that makes you fell happier
  16. See friends
  17. Get news you can use
  18. learn about food and nutrition
  19. Maintain wellness and well being
  20. Reconnect you mind and body
  21. Be NEAR PERFECT!!!!
Send me your reasons to get adjusted.

Dr. Jean-Marc

Slak Chiro Anniversary

Happy Anniversary to Us!

We are 21! Although I like the idea of being able to serve wine with your adjustment, etiquette would require me to share a toast with you. That would definitely end my adjusting day. Plus, the board of health might have something to say about it too. So instead of wine, we'll serve something even more special and delicious: adjustments!

On Friday November 7, 2008, we will host a $21 adjustment day. Actually, all our services will be $21 each. Adjustment? $21. Scan? $21. Reactivation exam? $21. New patient exam? $21. X-rays? $21. Nutrition or exercise consult? $21. Laser? $21. Woohoo!!!

I count on seeing you that day and please tell your friends and family to make an appointment especially if they have never been here or if they dropped out a while back.

Have a Perfect Day!

Dr. Jean-Marc

Monday, September 15, 2008

Say No to HPV Vaccine

I got this from my friend Neil Bossenger in New Zeland. I'm pretty sure it's straight from and it's worth reading and spreading around.

Is the HPV Vaccine Worth the Risk?

Researchers are finally raising serious questions as to whether the HPV vaccine is really worth the risks involved. An editorial in the latest issue of the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) outlines the rising concerns.

First, Gardasil's long-term effectiveness is unclear. And because cervical cancer takes years to develop, critics say the current information is insufficient to determine whether Gardasil works. Then there’s the issue of side effects. FDA records reveal that, since Gardasil's approval, nearly 9,000 girls had adverse side effects after receiving their shots.

If you’ve been a regular reader of my newsletter, you’ll have noticed that each time I cover another article on HPV, the body count for adverse side effects from this vaccine has risen by several hundred or more… For example, on June 24th, I reported there were more than 6,700 adverse effects reported. Two months later, almost to the day, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons state 8,864 reports have been filed.

Folks, this is a major CLUE!

Along with NEJM, the organization Judicial Watch has also published a damaging Special Report about the Gardasil vaccine. Based on records obtained under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), they summarized the approval process, side effects, safety concerns, and marketing practices related to the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, calling it a “large-scale public health experiment.”

One of their most startling findings was the incidence of 78 cases of outbreaks of warts following the vaccination in women already infected without knowing it. In addition to genital warts, some women experienced large outbreaks on their face, hands, or feet.

Additionally, Gardasil was found to have an efficacy rate of –44.6% (that’s a minus sign) in women already exposed to the HPV types included in the vaccine!

Judicial Watch also uncovered that Gardasil was tested against an aluminum-containing placebo, rather than a nonreactive saline base, which can make the vaccine appear safer than it actually is – which appears to be the case, if you ask me.

The Insanity Continues

Despite all the risks uncovered and the skyrocketing incident reports of harm, vaccine proponents want to move on to the next frontier: older women, and young boys.

Dr. Raffle, a British cervical cancer specialist said it best: “Oh, dear. If we give it to boys, then all pretense of scientific worth and cost analysis goes out the window.”

I believe the mere suggestion already goes to show that this vaccine is nothing more than a cash-cow, offering little proof of any benefits whatsoever, especially considering how easily cervical cancer can be prevented without it.

Be wise and be well,
Dr. Jean-Marc

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Knee surgery for arthritis is useless!

Look at this article published in today's New England Journal of Medicine:

I'll quote the conclusion: "Arthroscopic surgery for osteoarthritis of the knee provides no additional benefit to optimized physical and medical therapy."

That means that it doesn't work any better than exercise and inflammation management. Except that it has all the dangers of surgery. All the risks, no additional benefits....

This is noteworthy study because this type of surgery is almost routine and also because it is extremely rare for surgical procedures to be subjected to randomized trials. It is a powerful reminder that today's state of the art will probably be malpractice in 10 to 15 years.

As always, caveat emptor.

Dr. Jean-Marc

Monday, September 8, 2008

Eat Fish?

Fish Story

Everyone knows that they should eat more fish. It's good for you. The American Heart Association says you should get 2-4000 mg of omega 3 (EPA and DHA) per day.

An interesting study recently published analyzed different types of fish and asked "where's the ... omega 3?"

Remember Nutrition Workshop? The key to essential fatty acids is balance between omega 3 (anti-inflammatory) and omega 6 (pro-inflammatory). the authors inform us that "farmed salmon is by far the richest the richest source of arachidonic acid (bad) in most western diets and raises important questions regarding it's consumption". In fact, farmed tilapia has such a lopsided fat profile that "the inflammatory potential of hamburger and pork bacon is lower than the average serving of farmed tilapia".

This doesn't mean that bacon's good for you, it illustrates how bad farmed tilapia is.

The take away from this is that "our research reveals that certain intensively farmed species of fish contain PUFA profiles that have been shown to be detrimental to human health".

The score on good fish-bad fish fatty profile:
The winners are (all wild):
  • Sockeye salmon
  • Copper River Salmon
  • Toothfish
  • Bronzini (I've never seen one either)
  • Coho Salmon
Honorable mention to farm raised trout

The losers are:
  • Tuna
  • Red Snapper
  • Mahi-mahi
  • Cod
  • Haddock
  • Halibut
  • Sole, croaker, perch, flounder, hake, bass, swordfish, escolar, corvina, triggerfish, wahoo, grouper.
  • farm raised salmon
The killers are:
  • Fram raised tilapia
  • Farm raised catfish
I quote "farm raised tilapia and catfish have low levels omega 3 along with levels of arachidonic acid (omega 6) so high they can be considered detrimental."

Dr. Jean-Marc

PS. If you are wondering what's the difference between omega 3 and 6, if PUFA and arachidonic acid sound like foreign words, it's a sign. A sign that you need to come to the next Nutrition Workshop.

The Content of Favorable and Unfavorable Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Found in Commonly Eaten Fish
Kelly L. Weaver, Priscilla Ivester, Joshua A. Chilton, Martha D. Wilson, Prativa Pandey, Floyd H. Chilton
pages 1178-1185

Friday, August 29, 2008

Healthy Foods for Kids

Back To School Foods

Every year it feels like we have to reinvent the wheel when it comes to sending food and snacks to school with the kids. For some reason, after a summer of easy schedule and everyone eating the same thing at the same time, we experience a few days of tension getting back up to speed.

This is actually a wonderful opportunity to reexamine our choices and habits. Remember the cardinal rules of nutritious food, some elements are desirable: high nutritional content, unprocessed, organic and complex carbs for example. On the other hand, many ingredients should be avoided. In particular foods must have no trans fats, no excitotoxins, no processed sugars or processed grains.

Specifically, our kids need Omega 3 supplementation and they must have none of these ingredients:

  • Hydrogenated or Partially Hydrogenated oils.
  • Natural Flavors (unless the food is certified organic)
  • High Fructose Corn Syrup
  • Artificial Sweeteners

These ingredients should be avoided or used in extremely limited amounts:

  • Safflower, corn, canola, cottonseed oils.
  • Fried foods
  • White flour (its white if it doesn’t say whole wheat in the ingredients list)

We also make our kids lunch most days. It's just easier to make good choices when all the ingredients are wholesome.

If you have any questions regarding food recommendations, please plan to attend my next Nutrition Workshop. I wish all of our students a healthy and enriching school year!

Dr. Jean-Marc

Monday, August 18, 2008

Heroes Homecoming

Here we are, Caroline, Dr. Honi Kawut and me in the middle at the Hanscom Air Force Base Heroes Homecoming Celebration!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

After your adjustment

Ten Steps to Optimize Your Adjustments

I wrote these as a handout a couple of years ago. But since it might be useful to review them occasionally, here they are, easily accessible any time you need them!

The Ten Essential Steps to Get the Most Out of Your Care

A few simple things will greatly enhance the longevity of your adjustments as well as the rate of progress and degree of correction you can achieve through chiropractic care. Here are the 10 actions you need to take to get the most out of your care.

  1. Walk for a couple of minutes after your adjustment before getting back in your car.
  2. Never wear a wallet in your back pocket.
  3. Avoid sugar. Of course, all the other Nutrition Workshop recommendations regarding artificial sweeteners, trans fats and high fructose corn syrup apply here too.
  4. Take Omega 3 supplements. they are essential to your body, particularly when healing is taking place.
  5. Minimize alcohol consumption.
  6. Smoking retards all healing and compromises health. Stop now!
  7. Give yourself enough time to rest and recover. Pay attention to this during the day as well as at night.
  8. Wear proper footwear. Please make sure you bring us all your athletic shoes for assessment. You would be amazed how poorly some of them are made.
  9. Use these shoes to exercise regularly. Movement is life, you need the exercise to regain and maintain health and wellbeing.
  10. Follow your recommended visit schedule!

Dr. Jean-Marc

Monday, July 21, 2008

Caden Grows

New Baby Pictures!

Mom says: There was never a doubt in my mind that my baby would be adjusted within days of being born. Only 18 hours after his birth, Caden Patrick had his first adjustment! Only an hour and a half later, he had his breathing tube removed! I am still amazed at the miracles of chiropractic. Our situation proves that life can surprise you when you least expect it. I worked hard to take care of myself during my pregnancy and never suffered a day of morning sickness. However, baby Caden wanted to make his way into the world early, at 32 weeks. Although we had planned a natural home birth, we were blessed to be near one of the best hospitals in the world when I went into labor. Temporarily relocating to Boston from Atlanta has not been easy, but with the love and support from Dr. Linda and Jean Marc Slak has made the transition much easier. Our love for Caden grows more and more each day and we look forward to finally bringing him home!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Tour de France

Terrific New Tour Podcast

I found this great wellness-Tour de France podcast. It is done by one of my favorite teacher. Dr. Jeff Spencer was Lance Armstrong's chiro during his amazing 7 Tour victories. He is the person I learn a lot of my laser techniques from. I is one of the most innovative people I know and now, you can hear him in person!

Dr. Jean-Marc

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Baby Miracle

Yes, it's me and Dr. Linda, adjusting a 4lbs premy baby. He was born 2 months early. When I saw him, he had a feeding tube and was on a respirator.
3 hours later, I got a call from his Dad... he was off the respirator, his lungs were doing the job on their own!

Your body, like his, knows what to do and how to do it. It just needs to have no interference with the natural process. Chiro adjustments remove interference so the body can recover, heal, thrive!
Congratulations Carly and Jason!

Dr. Jean-Marc

Monday, July 14, 2008

Another Military Care Article

More Military Care Program News

I was interviewed for this article a few couple of weeks ago. It is great to see more chiros picking up the program!

Dr. Jean-Marc

Sunday, July 13, 2008

We're in the Boston Globe!

Military Care Program Update

Look down the middle of this link and you'll find our names! I wonder when the Globe will start putting Dr. in front of chiros names? Prejudice... But here we are anyway!

Dr. Jean-Marc

Monday, June 23, 2008

Food Additives

Her is an article from MSN that sums up the dangers of additives in our food. The one glaring omission is high fructose corn syrup that should be avoided 100% of the time.

Enjoy this as a warm-up to Nutrition Workshop that is returning to Slak Chiro on July 14, 2008. It's free, it's life changing and I tell it like it is.

Dr. Jean-Marc

Monday, May 12, 2008

HPV Vaccine

Dear Patients and Friends,

As you all know, I recently received my certification in Pediatrics. It is my mission to help as many children as I can in my lifetime to be as healthy as possible. I feel it is my job to keep up to date with the latest research concerning our children’s health and well-being. One of the most alarming statistics to me is the rate of Autism in our country. It is now 1 in 60 children who will end up on the Autism spectrum! The fact is, Autism did not exist before the implementation of nearly 70 doses of vaccinations to our children in their infant and early childhood years. Do you think there is a connection? Needless to say, allergies, asthma and almost epidemic proportions of diabetes are also issues of concern. If you take the time to study, you will discover, as I have, that the immune systems of our children have been compromised. It is so easy to find the scientific evidence of this with the use of the internet today.

As I sat and listened to Barbara Loe Fisher of the National Vaccine Information Center, I realized that there are very few health care providers willing to inform their practice members of the truth. Upon my return last evening, I was checking my email and discovered the information reported by Dr. Mercola regarding the Gardasil vaccine. It is all that I have seen and heard already regarding this vaccine and wish to pass on to you.

Your pediatrician is providing this vaccine to your daughters and, soon to your sons, as part of their routine physical at the age of twelve! In most instances, they do not even offer you a choice. Rather, they state that your child will receive the first of three shots as if it is required. In my opinion, our children are treated like human lab rats being experimented upon and I would prefer to take the wait and see approach before causing irreversible damage of possible sterility or even death in my child.

We have to decide whether Merck has our children’s best interest at heart. Ask your pediatrician if they have or would give this vaccine to their own children? Do you know that many medical doctors do not vaccinate their own children? Do you wonder why? I would be happy to give a presentation on this topic to your community or at our office. Please let me know if you are interested in helping me to help protect the future health of our children.

As always, you can contact me for more information. If I don’t have the answers, I will be happy to research them until one is found. I encourage you to look at all of the research. The final decision is in your hands. I just don’t want anyone coming back to me after their child has become sterile or suffered from any of the other side effects and ask, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

Yours in health,

Dr. Linda Slak

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Chicago Medical Group

It just keeps coming...

Check out this article:


I can't wait to see the film.

Remember the 5 pillars of health:
  • Chiro care because normal nerve function = normal body function
  • nutrition
  • Exercise
  • Rest
  • Mental attitude/Stress control

Dr. Jean-Marc

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Drugs Use-Up Nutrients

Thanks Dr. Linda for forwarding this to me.

It is worth a glance and a forward if you know people who use these drugs.

Dr. Jean-Marc

Crazy Autism Numbers

Thanks Bonnie, this is insane.

This sheds light on a growing concern.

Check this link and make up your own mind:

Dr. Jean-Marc

Friday, February 22, 2008

Linda Slak, DC, CACCP

She Did It!

I am extremely proud to announce that Dr. Linda has officially earned her pediatric certification, giving her the rare and prestigious privilege to use the letters CACCP after her name.

More importantly, the very intense certification program has given her the tools to help more children with more severe problems. She has also gained an amazing depth and breadth of knowledge that will benefit all of our patients.

Congratulations Dr. Linda! And the whole family appreciate you being around on weekends again.

Dr. Jean-Marc Slak

Friday, February 1, 2008

Nutrition Workshop at Middlesex Community College

Nutrition For Life Returns

I will be presenting my nutrition workshop at Middlesex Community College on Monday 2-25-08 at 6:00 PM.

This is the one place where you can hear all the vital info regarding what you put in your body. Foods that you MUST have to thrive and toxic chemicals masquarading as food that you must avoid.

I will be presenting the information in an easy 1 night/3 hours format. Bring your favorite food to find out how near perfect (or not) your pantry is.

As usual, Joan Turnberg will present with me and bring her practical angle to food shopping.

Who should attend? Anyone who uses food on a daily basis. That means you, you family, your friends...

To register, call Marci Barnes at 781-280-3669.

Course Description from MCC:
Nutrition for Life: Your eating habits are an essential element of overall wellness. How doyou sort through all of the information published about diet? Discoverwhy certain ingredients are not healthy for the body, including theireffects, as well as how to find the ingredients on food labels. Dr.Jean-Marc Slak and Wellness Coach Joan Turnberg will lead you in thislife-changing course. (2 hours) $49
HLT 604 30 2/25 6:00 pm - 8:00pm Bedford Campus HH 219

Dr. Jean-Marc

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Statins Drugs a Hoax?

The Truth is Out!

Great article in Businessweek magazine. Here is the link.

Here are a few quotes from that article.
"What if you put 250 people in a room and told them they would each pay $1,000 a year for a drug they would have to take every day, that many would get diarrhea and muscle pain, and that 249 would have no benefit? And that they could do just as well by exercising? How many would take that?" asks drug industry critic Dr. Jerome R. Hoffman, professor of clinical medicine at the University of California at Los Angeles.

"We should tell patients that the reduced cardiovascular risk will be replaced by other serious illnesses," says Dr. John Abramson, clinical instructor at Harvard Medical School and author of Overdosed America."

Bottom line: regular chiro care, exercise, proper diet and omega 3 will clean the clock of most drugs for most problems when it comes to preventing disease and maintaining health and well being.

See you for your really smart idea adjustment soon and bring anyone you care about because this is the real effective answer!

Dr. Jean-Marc

Friday, January 11, 2008


Check this news segment.

Sargent uses work that Dr. Linda learned during her pediatric certification. Very good.

What are you doing exercise-wise to turn on your brain?

Dr. Jean-Marc

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Cold Laser

Magic Light

This is an article about cold laser that recently appeared in Business Week.

It is interesting to note that we are seeing nice results with nerve regenerations and amazing results with pain in the office with the laser.

Dr. Jean-Marc

Wellness Care Pays Off

You do the Math.

Anthony is a healthy, very active young professional. He has a successful career, a house and a dog. He races mountain bikes and spends weeks scuba diving in exotic tropical waters. His vision of health extends to the concept of wellness. In other words, he has realized that a) what you do today dictates your future health and wellbeing and b) it doesn’t make sense to settle for feeling good when health-wise, you can be great and consistently get better and better, do and have it all. All this means that smart choices today will keep rewarding you for years to come. That includes regular, long-term chiropractic care.

Of course, life happens, and Anthony has occasional run-ins with the realities of the laws of nature (especially gravity). So it turned out that a few weeks ago, Anthony shoveled snow. And was stressed out. And shoveled some more. And lifted children, a lot. Next day, his back hurt. You know the kind of hurt that makes you wonder if you can make it to the bathroom because the pain is so severe. That kind of hurt. Worse because Anthony had a similar experience 10 years ago (in his pre-chiropractic days) and had to spend 8 weeks in a drug-induced fog. He was concerned about what was in store for him. I would have been also if that was my history.

So, into the office crawls Anthony, wincing, crooked and tender, looking for adjustment. Since Anthony gets checked regularly, it takes just a couple of visits to get him back on track and before you know it, he has resumed his normal activities. This is one of the most powerful benefits of regular care that Linda and I have observed through our career; getting back up to speed takes our patients just a fraction of the time that it takes people who are not adjusted before they get hurt. In essence, chiropractic care has a protective effect. For Anthony, it was 1 week of dysfunction and pain versus eight wasted weeks of agony. You do the math.

Knowing that stuff will happen in life, this is equivalent to driving a car knowing that some day, you’ll have an accident. Would you rather take your chances in a cardboard car or would you rather be in a Volvo when it happens? Regular chiropractic care is your health care Volvo.

OK, let’s get real, are you letting your spouse and kids tool around in a cardboard car or are you making sure they have Volvo health strength and proactive protection?

Special new patient offer coming during our Stress Relief Week (see e-newsletter). Call now.

Dr. Jean-Marc

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Newspaper Reports on our Military Care Program

Bedford Minuteman Publishes Article

The Bedford Minuteman got wind of our Military Care Program and a reporter came to interview us on a busy Friday morning. The next Thursday, here we were, in the paper.

Check it out!

Have a super chiropractic day!

Dr. Jean-Marc