Friday, September 28, 2007


Slak Chiropractic Group


Words are important. So when I ran across a new one that someone made-up but that I liked, I grabbed it. That new word is YOUTHING. That’s right, the reverse of aging. It describes perfectly what can and often does happen when you are under our care. The first time this idea crystallized in my mind was about 10 years ago when my patient George said: “Since getting adjusted, I feel better in my sixties than I did in my forties”.

Youthing is the process of rejuvenation and revivification that naturally follows certain actions. These steps must be taken in a specific order to be effective. First, you must be adjusted. A specific level of chiropractic improvement must have taken place before you can start getting younger. Landmarks of neurological functions must be achieved. That’s why it’s important to get scanned regularly to make sure that you are in the youthing zone.

Then comes movement. Yes, life is motion and the more you move your entire body the younger you get. But if your neurostructural integrity is compromised (subluxations), you can exercise all you want; you’ll still be getting old too fast. So, chiro care first, exercise second. Third are nutrients and toxins. Although a well adjusted and exercise body is better able to detoxify itself, you still need to eliminate the poisons that come in our food (it is still time to register for my Nutrition course at Middlesex). And rebuilding nutrients must be brought in.

Once you are on your way to the youthing process, it is easy to maintain and enhance even further. So let’s start today with you next youthing adjustment and if you know anyone who could use some youthing, please share this message of hope, healing and rejuvenation.

Dr. Jean-Marc and Dr. Linda can be reached at 781-273-0099 and