Monday, October 1, 2007

Slak Chiropractic Group

Nutrition for Your Life

Nutrition for Life, the course, is coming to Middlesex Community College! Many of you remember the in-house nutrition workshops I gave for several years. It started as a one hour quick hit on the salient topics that most people simply never heard about that are key for survival in today’s world.

It soon turned into a two and a half hour mammoth talk because the problem with the “Standard American Diet” being dangerous to your health needed an alternative solution. And it needed it urgently. I filled in the gaps, made charts, created hand-outs, answered questions and advocated Omega 3 supplementation. In the last couple of in-house nutrition workshops, I asked wellness coach Joan Turnberg to come give me a hand. She graciously brought in a more practical side to the data-heavy sessions my left brain created.

After the last 2 workshops, it became evident that the demand for this info is bigger than I can give in-house and that I needed an expanded format. So I approached MCC with an outline for a course spread over 3 nights. As luck would have it, they were interested in starting a selection of wellness courses.

The greatly enhanced, presented jointly with Joan, new Nutrition Workshop will start Tuesday, October 2, 2007. It will run for 3 consecutive weeks on Tuesdays from 7 until 9 PM at the Bedford campus of Middlesex Community College. I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I am about it. The material and presentation, the lecture and workshop aspects of this course will transform your life. If you wonder if what you eat is good for you; or if you suspect it isn’t but you just don’t know what else to do, this course is for you. It will improve your health and well being and it can make your quality of life expectancy much longer.

To register for the course, call MCC at 781-280-3669 and speak with Marci Barnes. Call today before the course is full.

Dr. Jean-Marc and Dr. Linda can be reached at 781-273-0099 and

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