Monday, October 15, 2007

Chiropractic's Protective Effect


Saturday night, Linda and I were attending a chiropractic meeting (I know, we need to get a life). I was the MC for the evening and I had the pleasure of introducing our main speaker, Dr. John Madeira. He took us through some interesting information and then he asked a life changing question.

He polled the audience and selected the 5 chiros who had been in practice the longest. They all had over 25 years of active patient care. Although Dr. Madeira did not know it, he picked five people with large busy practices. What he asked these five chiropractic veterans was; “out of your regular patients, those who get adjusted weekly or at least twice a month, how many, in 25 years, have died of heart attack?” As you know, heart disease is America’s #1 killer, responsible for almost 900,000 deaths per year. In 25 years and tens of thousands of patients, these 5 chiros had a grand total of 10 patients who died of heart attacks.

Dr. Madeira then asked how many of these same patients, who are very faithful and assiduous with their adjustments, died of cancer. The answer was a grand total of 17 for these five chiros. Linda and I did a quick mental recall of our experience and our numbers were also unbelievably low.

Consistent, long term chiropractic care has an amazing protective effect on human health. From an intellectual stand point, I have always known that when your spine is adjusted, your nervous system works more efficiently, therefore leading to better health and well being. But looking at these numbers in terms of lives saved, in the way Dr. Madeira illustrated, reset my focus on how truly essential regular, life long chiropractic care is for everyone. See you this week for you life saving, protective adjustment. And please, don’t leave your family behind!

Data form

Dr. Jean-Marc

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