Monday, November 5, 2007

Dr. Linda's Miracles

Dr. Linda is Back!

A lot is going on at Slak Chiro. The first big news is that Dr. Linda is back on Friday mornings. If you have visited us on Tuesday, you have noticed that she is extremely busy, so she has added Friday morning back into her work schedule. Since the home front is easing up its demands on Dr. Linda, she can return to her Friday mornings in addition to her regular Tuesday hours. I am thrilled to be able to spend time together in the office.

Dr. Linda is back in more ways than one. Her pediatric training has transformed her from a great chiropractor to an extraordinary healer. I know more about chiropractic than most people on the planet, yet, I am blown away by the skill set and exceptional mastery she has gained. And most importantly, the results our patients are enjoying are world class.

We regularly review the charts of the patients we are caring for, in order to stay up-to-date with who is who and design the best care program possible. Lately, I have noticed a trend towards Dr. Linda caring for kids with all kinds of challenges. As I review the weekly progress, I am so moved that I found myself crying with joy and pride. Dr. Linda is changing the world one kid at a time.

From bed wetting to ear infections to constipation to autism; when the body’s innate ability to heal and function at its normal level is released by chiro adjustments, amazing things happen. I can’t wait to see you and your kids for your full function life adjustment!

Dr. Jean-Marc

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