Monday, May 12, 2008

HPV Vaccine

Dear Patients and Friends,

As you all know, I recently received my certification in Pediatrics. It is my mission to help as many children as I can in my lifetime to be as healthy as possible. I feel it is my job to keep up to date with the latest research concerning our children’s health and well-being. One of the most alarming statistics to me is the rate of Autism in our country. It is now 1 in 60 children who will end up on the Autism spectrum! The fact is, Autism did not exist before the implementation of nearly 70 doses of vaccinations to our children in their infant and early childhood years. Do you think there is a connection? Needless to say, allergies, asthma and almost epidemic proportions of diabetes are also issues of concern. If you take the time to study, you will discover, as I have, that the immune systems of our children have been compromised. It is so easy to find the scientific evidence of this with the use of the internet today.

As I sat and listened to Barbara Loe Fisher of the National Vaccine Information Center, I realized that there are very few health care providers willing to inform their practice members of the truth. Upon my return last evening, I was checking my email and discovered the information reported by Dr. Mercola regarding the Gardasil vaccine. It is all that I have seen and heard already regarding this vaccine and wish to pass on to you.

Your pediatrician is providing this vaccine to your daughters and, soon to your sons, as part of their routine physical at the age of twelve! In most instances, they do not even offer you a choice. Rather, they state that your child will receive the first of three shots as if it is required. In my opinion, our children are treated like human lab rats being experimented upon and I would prefer to take the wait and see approach before causing irreversible damage of possible sterility or even death in my child.

We have to decide whether Merck has our children’s best interest at heart. Ask your pediatrician if they have or would give this vaccine to their own children? Do you know that many medical doctors do not vaccinate their own children? Do you wonder why? I would be happy to give a presentation on this topic to your community or at our office. Please let me know if you are interested in helping me to help protect the future health of our children.

As always, you can contact me for more information. If I don’t have the answers, I will be happy to research them until one is found. I encourage you to look at all of the research. The final decision is in your hands. I just don’t want anyone coming back to me after their child has become sterile or suffered from any of the other side effects and ask, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

Yours in health,

Dr. Linda Slak