Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Statins Drugs a Hoax?

The Truth is Out!

Great article in Businessweek magazine. Here is the link.

Here are a few quotes from that article.
"What if you put 250 people in a room and told them they would each pay $1,000 a year for a drug they would have to take every day, that many would get diarrhea and muscle pain, and that 249 would have no benefit? And that they could do just as well by exercising? How many would take that?" asks drug industry critic Dr. Jerome R. Hoffman, professor of clinical medicine at the University of California at Los Angeles.

"We should tell patients that the reduced cardiovascular risk will be replaced by other serious illnesses," says Dr. John Abramson, clinical instructor at Harvard Medical School and author of Overdosed America."

Bottom line: regular chiro care, exercise, proper diet and omega 3 will clean the clock of most drugs for most problems when it comes to preventing disease and maintaining health and well being.

See you for your really smart idea adjustment soon and bring anyone you care about because this is the real effective answer!

Dr. Jean-Marc

Friday, January 11, 2008


Check this news segment.

Sargent uses work that Dr. Linda learned during her pediatric certification. Very good.

What are you doing exercise-wise to turn on your brain?

Dr. Jean-Marc

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Cold Laser

Magic Light

This is an article about cold laser that recently appeared in Business Week.

It is interesting to note that we are seeing nice results with nerve regenerations and amazing results with pain in the office with the laser.

Dr. Jean-Marc

Wellness Care Pays Off

You do the Math.

Anthony is a healthy, very active young professional. He has a successful career, a house and a dog. He races mountain bikes and spends weeks scuba diving in exotic tropical waters. His vision of health extends to the concept of wellness. In other words, he has realized that a) what you do today dictates your future health and wellbeing and b) it doesn’t make sense to settle for feeling good when health-wise, you can be great and consistently get better and better, do and have it all. All this means that smart choices today will keep rewarding you for years to come. That includes regular, long-term chiropractic care.

Of course, life happens, and Anthony has occasional run-ins with the realities of the laws of nature (especially gravity). So it turned out that a few weeks ago, Anthony shoveled snow. And was stressed out. And shoveled some more. And lifted children, a lot. Next day, his back hurt. You know the kind of hurt that makes you wonder if you can make it to the bathroom because the pain is so severe. That kind of hurt. Worse because Anthony had a similar experience 10 years ago (in his pre-chiropractic days) and had to spend 8 weeks in a drug-induced fog. He was concerned about what was in store for him. I would have been also if that was my history.

So, into the office crawls Anthony, wincing, crooked and tender, looking for adjustment. Since Anthony gets checked regularly, it takes just a couple of visits to get him back on track and before you know it, he has resumed his normal activities. This is one of the most powerful benefits of regular care that Linda and I have observed through our career; getting back up to speed takes our patients just a fraction of the time that it takes people who are not adjusted before they get hurt. In essence, chiropractic care has a protective effect. For Anthony, it was 1 week of dysfunction and pain versus eight wasted weeks of agony. You do the math.

Knowing that stuff will happen in life, this is equivalent to driving a car knowing that some day, you’ll have an accident. Would you rather take your chances in a cardboard car or would you rather be in a Volvo when it happens? Regular chiropractic care is your health care Volvo.

OK, let’s get real, are you letting your spouse and kids tool around in a cardboard car or are you making sure they have Volvo health strength and proactive protection?

Special new patient offer coming during our Stress Relief Week (see e-newsletter). Call now.

Dr. Jean-Marc

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Newspaper Reports on our Military Care Program

Bedford Minuteman Publishes Article

The Bedford Minuteman got wind of our Military Care Program and a reporter came to interview us on a busy Friday morning. The next Thursday, here we were, in the paper.

Check it out!

Have a super chiropractic day!

Dr. Jean-Marc