Monday, November 12, 2007

Free Military Care Program

Military Care Program

I live in a black and white world. My value system has a strong compass that sorts out right and wrong decisively and quickly. But some issues of personal ethics can be more complicated and it can be difficult to know what to do in seemingly out-of-my-control situations. Yet, I feel compelled to act.

Such a situation presented itself when our country went to war. On the one hand, I think wars are not the solution as a general rule. On the other hand, as this war unfolded, I felt a growing sense of compassion towards our brothers and sisters who are putting their lives on the line to serve our country.

These personal sacrifices our service men and women make tug at my sense of moral obligation to help those in need as well as my feelings of civic duty. So something had to be done.

In light of our strong sense that we should not rest until all we can do has been done, and done well, Dr. Linda and I have made a commitment to help our returning military personnel. We have joined a national effort, with several dozen chiropractic offices around the country, we are offering a chance to regain health and wellbeing to our returning warriors with our Military Care Program.

Think about it, wearing 50-75 pounds of equipment, jumping off trucks, witnessing the horrors of war, bearing the stress of incessant anxiety about your safety and that of your friends. All this winds up the nervous system and will lead to long term health problem that will affect the combatants the rest of their lives.

Well, that’s what chiropractic is best at! Solving these nervous system problems, releasing the body’s innate ability to express health and balance itself right. These folks need us desperately and we are stepping up to the plate to do our part in helping them recover their health.

On Veterans Day, Dr. Linda and I are proud to announce the Military Care Program at Slak Chiropractic. To fulfill our commitment to facilitating a better, healthier world, we are offering a full year of chiropractic care to our military personnel returning from Iraq or Afghanistan at no charge. See you soon for your life adjustment!

Dr. Jean-Marc


Unknown said...

Changing lives, one person at a time.

This is a fantastic commitment you are making!

Very inspiring!

cmnacnud said...

You have made an excellent choice and commitment. May I suggest, to further aid these troops in all getting the care they need, that you symbolically send the bill of all the soldiers that you treat to your congressmen, senators, the pentagon, tricare, and your local press. Our troops need chiropractic care, and it is already a part of their insurance package, but most of them just can't use the benefit.
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