Be conscious of your posture when carrying anything.
Heavy purses and bags can hurt you
Sucralose kills 50% of our protective intestinal bacteria and leads to toxicity in our bodies.
The spine and nervous system are connected to every aspect of our health and wellness.
Good health and wellness depends on a free flowing of information between brain and body.
Research shows that the position & movements of crawling profoundly effect posture, spine strength, & neurological health.
Share if you're pro-active with your health!
Pressure applied to nerves because of a subluxation can affect the proper function of all the organs in your body.
Watch to see how chiropractic can help with labor and delivery.
Keep your child subluxation free with chiropractic!
What do we know about colic and how can we help? Read more:
We're going to file this post under "future patient."
Don't look down! Bring your electronic device up to eye level if you want to avoid text neck.
Chiropractic restores normal function and allows your body to heal itself.
“Our body is a machine for living. It is organized for that, it is its nature. Let life go on in it unhindered.” Leo Tolstoy