Avoid Text Neck
You can avoid text neck by bringing your phone to eye level instead of hunching over to text.Amplifeied
Your body deserves the best. After all, it's the only one you'll ever have.
You don't go to the dentist just when you have cavities, do you? Include regular chiropractic care too.
Do you sometimes feel like you're running at dial-up speed? Upgrade your connection with chiropractic.
Daily exercise, proper nutrition, positive mental attitude, restful sleep and a fully functioning spine can help you achieve a greater level of health.
Chiropractic stimulates receptors that help the brain.
You can talk to us about ways you can improve your posture.
Trauma from “minor” falls add up and can cause spinal misalignment.
Subluxations decrease function. Chiropractors adjust subluxations. Stay adjusted, function with full bars!
Although he didn't invent it, it sure sounds like Edison is describing chiropractic here!
We're passionate about chiropractic!
Timely post. We have seen several post-concussion folks lately. Chiropractic care is an essential part of their recovery.
See how a holistic chiropractic approach changed this life.
Chiropractic removes interference so your body can heal itself.
Add life to years and years to life with chiropractic!
A chiropractic adjustment releases the pressure on the tubes allowing normal drainage to occur.
Chiropractic unleashes the inborn ability of the body to maintain, adapt and heal itself!
You may have a subluxation and not know it. This is why we recommend regular chiropractic adjustments.
Vegetables that are local and in season have more nutrients than those stored then shipped long distances.
Your brain and your body are engaged in a constant conversation. Chiropractic keeps the conversation going.
There you have it - chiropractic endorsed by the world's most interesting man.
For a list of the "dirty dozen," foods you should always buy organic, click here: http://goo.gl/MYLWgG
Sucralose kills 50% of our protective intestinal bacteria and leads to toxicity in our bodies.
The spine and nervous system are connected to every aspect of our health and wellness.
Good health and wellness depends on a free flowing of information between brain and body.
Research shows that the position & movements of crawling profoundly effect posture, spine strength, & neurological health.
Share if you're pro-active with your health!