Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Near Perfect Minute #32

Today's Near Perfect Minute covers a key aspect of a weight loss program that targets fat deposits.  I want to lose fat, not muscle or water.  So I am very particular about how I lose weight and I perform simple body measurements to track my progress.  This week, I lost another 2lbs.  No big deal.  But at the same time, I also shrank 2.5 inches.

For all of you who are tracking, I am down 10lbs and I have gone from 130.75 inches to 122.  By contrasting the relatively modest weight loss with the significant size loss, I know that my body composition is shifting.  I have less space-filling fat and more muscles.  I like that!

By the way, even with the super cold weather and all the snow storms, I still made it to the gym 6 times this week.  How are you doing with your exercise regimen?

Options:  Other numbers would be good to track also.  If you have access to a high end body fat analyzer, that is great.  Some blood tests would be neat also.  I am particularly interested in triglycerides level.

Thanks for the feedback and keep sending me news of your progress!  It's fun to do it together!

Dr. Jean-Marc

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Near Perfect Minute #31

Yoohoo!  Another pound gone and my number went from 125, 4 days ago to 124.5 inches today!  And I have been snowed in away from the gym several times and less than strict on the food side.

Thanks to those of you who are playing and sending me your numbers.  Very impressive!

More next week!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Near Perfect Minute #30

Here are some important nuances that illustrate the reason why measurements are an essential tracking tool.

Since last week: lost 2 lbs despite being less than strict on the food side.  But I have been trying fun new exercises at the gym and having a blast.  So the mensuration dropped from 130.75 to 125 inches.  This means that I lost fat and put on muscles at a good clip.  I like that!

How are you doing?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Near Perfect Minute #29

Happy New Year!

This marks the start of my series of Near Perfect Minutes that revolve around making the right food choices.

Over the years, I have presented several Nutrition Workshops.  I changed them profoundly as the information evolved.  But I always focused on what's good to eat and what you should absolutely avoid.  Never talked about weight loss.  Actually, I did, 1 slide stating that ideal weight is a good idea; good luck with that.

Well, all the requests and suggestions I got regarding these workshops revolved around one thing and one thing only.  For over 10 years, you have kept asking this one question... I want to lose weight, how do I do it?

Well... better late than never, here it is.  But to add to the fun, I will lose weight with you.  I realized, with a few pointed comments from Linda, that I would benefit from dropping 20 lbs.  I know how and I will share the step by step with you.  Please feel free to share your exploits and successes along the way!

First, let me tell you what I will measure.  I will track 2 numbers.  My weight, obviously.  And I will also measure the size of my waist+hips+right thigh+left thigh.  I use this measurement because I know that tweaks to my diet, combined with exercise, will result in changes in my shape as well as my weight.  And I want to know that if my weight is dropping at the expense of fat, not muscles.

My number?  130.75

What's yours?